Thursday, May 21, 2009

Very Odd

I'm not really feeling well today. No, I don't have a fever or something, it's just I feel so sluggish, I don't wanna get out of bed, I'm more short-tempered than usual, jokes seem like bananas being thrown at me and such. Also my head's really heavy and I can't seem to sing very well than yesterday.

I get more than enough sleep yet I still feel this way. I didn't log-in at AIM because I might snap at some people or say bad and sharp things at them for bothering me.

Maybe because I isolated myself today I'm feeling more lonely than ever (T T)

"Fou yant gaya endia hieg enesse mea"

Boo~ I don't even know if my Hymmnos is correct anymore (T T)

As much as I don't want to worry Lazy-otosan, Train(Dexas)-nii, LOK-nii, Patricia(Linearis)-neechan, MoPo(Mei)-chan and waterlily-neechan, I still might end up worrying them if I disappear all of a sudden without a note.

Mou~~what to do?

This makes me wanna band my head on the wall 'til it bleeds so bad (T T)


  1. @_@
    Yes you're gonna worrying me if you suddenly disappear like that @_@
    *hugs her and don't want let her go*

  2. Please don't disappear without saying anything. If you need to take a time out, that's fine but please let us know.
